It's That Time of Year Again...

It's That Time of Year Again...

Tick season is upon us, and although it isn’t something that can be avoided, we are here to make this season go by with ease!

Tick season typically starts every year from April and ends during October.

If you enjoy going for hikes you’re likely to run into prime tick habitats (such as tall grass). While we recommend trying to avoid walking through these areas if at all possible, here are some other tips to help minimize your risk of running into ticks:

  • Wear light colored long sleeves and long pants
  • Tuck your pants into your socks
  • Always check for ticks after getting home from the outdoors
  • Spray your clothes or any exposed skin with Rose Geranium hydrosol
    • This hydrosol is perfect for all ages and is safe for your dog as well!
    • We also recommend adding a drop or two to the back of your dog’s collar–this will help keep the ticks away and your furry friends safe & sound!

WARNING: While hydrosols are generally very safe for most humans or animals, Rose Geranium essential oil AND hydrosol are not safe for cats. Rose Geranium is toxic for cats even in small amounts. We recommend consulting with an appropriate medical specialist prior to using any kind of essential oil or hydrosol on cats.