Repel Ticks Naturally (Updated: May 2023)

Repel Ticks Naturally (Updated: May 2023)

I use to think that ticks fell out of the trees and onto pets and people, but it turns out that is not the case. The opportunistic blood suckers instead do what is referred to as “questing”, that is to say, they climb to the top of a blade of grass or a twig and wait for a perfect host to walk by, then using their legs, the hitch a ride.

Our dogs, more often than not, are that perfect ride. Because of how close they are to the ground, a dog’s legs and belly are often the perfect place for a tick to grasp on to. If you find a tick on your pets head, this just means that the tick crawled there. Of course ticks don’t only like our dogs, but they also like their owners- you're not immune to getting ticks!

A tick bite can cause both dogs and their owners a variety of illnesses. Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis (aka: dog fever) and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are among some that can have lasting impact on the victim’s health. 

The CDC is also warning about POW (Powassan) which is even deadlier than Lyme disease. Like Lyme, POW is carried by deer. The CDC reports that POW will kill 10% of those infected and will permanently disable 50%. (CDC Link On POW) Some ticks may be carrying more than one of these at a time, and it only takes one bite to infect. It is for this reason that tick prevention is critical.

If you're wanting a natural method to protect yourself (and beloved pets) against ticks, there is a better way!

The essential oil Rose Geranium Oil (Pelargonium capitatum x radens) is well known for its ability to repel ticks. Our type of Rose Geranium oil we offer will be the best option for repelling ticks.

Protecting yourself and your dog is as simply as applying a couple of drops directly to strategic areas with a 1:10 dilution with carrier oil. 

To protect yourself, a drop on your wrists, behind your knees and back of neck should do the trick. For your pet dog, you can place a drop between the shoulder blades and another at the top of the base of his tail. Another option is to apply the Rose Geranium oil to the dog’s collar.

Disclaimer: Please note, the International Federation of Aromatherapists do not recommend that Essential Oils, Carrier Oils, or Hydrosols be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy