Melissa Leaf Essential Oil (Natural Blend Oil)
Natural blend oils are blends of natural essential oils and other natural ingredients for the purpose of replicating. Our natural blend essential oils are great alternatives to pure essential oils.
Botanical Name: N/A
Plant Part: N/A
Origin: USA
Extraction: N/A
Mixes well with: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Neroli and Ylang-Ylang
Common Uses: Calming, uplifting, anti-bacterial and tonic
Color: Yellow
Consistency: Thin
Note: Top - Middle
Strength of Aroma: Strong
Aromatic Scent: Fresh, lemony, herbaceous.
Safety: Melissa Leaf Essential Oil has possible sensitizing and dermal irritating characteristics. Nonetheless, it is viewed by experts as non-toxic. Avoid use during pregnancy.
Disclaimer: Please note, the International Federation of Aromatherapists do not recommend that Essential Oils, Carrier Oils, or Hydrosols be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy.
Cautions: Natural blend essential oils may not be suitable for aromatherapy and therapeutic applications.
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